

terça-feira, 20 de outubro de 2015

"The Mentor"

Gabriela Gonzalez Dellosso, The Mentor (Adelaide Labille-Guiard)
Colecção privada 

Gabriela Dellosso é poeta e pintora, para saber mais sobre a pintora ver o link


Model for me.
Let my eyes be wheels that carry me across
The contour of your form.

Your arms roads, your legs bridges
I am architect
Builder of You.

Passages of human poetry
Exist in your figure
I want to capture them all.

Twenty five gestures
Become twenty five bony myths
Unfolding on my paper landscape.

Light and shadow are unified paradox
On the flat, three dimensional reality
Of this drawing.

Your rib cage- day; your pelvis- night
Together seven times
Anatomy of Creation.

The Indian Ocean rests on your iliac crest
Your spine channels the Nile
Your Achilles heel has walked across earth’s history.

I grab your edges, your geography
Mapping rhythms of your world
A translation of your boundaries.

Charcoal lines pull me through tunnels
Containing inked secrets
Held only by Old Masters.

I graze their whispering hands,
Channeling God’s Last Judgement
Or perfecting the Angel of Annunciations.

With this, I press, wishing to express
Your breath onto vellum
As has been done for thousands of years. 

Gabriela Gonzalez Dellosso

2 comentários:

Cláudia Ribeiro disse...

Bonita tela.
Não conheço a pintora e poeta; vou ler de seguida.

ana disse...

Gostei muito Cláudia.
Achei graça à entrevista, também.

Beijinho. :))