Gatos na pintura coreana do século XVIII.
Byeon Sang-yeok. Myojakdo (painting of cats and sparrows) 1730~? during the Joseon Dynasty

Two Cats
Two Cats
One up a tree
One under the tree
The cat up a tree is he
The cat under the tree is she
The tree is witch elm, just incidentally.
He takes no notice of she, she takes no notice of he.
He stares at the woolly clouds passing, she stares at the tree.
There's been a lot written about cats, by Old Possum, Yeats and Company
But not Alfred de Musset or Lord Tennyson or Poe or anybody
Wrote about one cat under, and one cat up, a tree.
God knows why this should be left for me
Except I like cats as cats be
Especially one cat up
And one cat under
A witch elm
Ewart Milne (1903-1987)
2 comentários:
Gosto muito desta pintura. Não conhecia pintura coreana do século XVIII e fiquei com curiosidade de conhecer melhor.
Obrigada Margarida Elias,
Conheci esta pintura quando procurei pinturas sobre gatos. Tenho uma paixão por gatos.
Além disso gosto de quase tudo o que vem do Oriente! :)
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