Audrey Hepburn faria hoje 80 anos. Um pequeno tributo a esta grande actriz e personalidade:
“I am proud to have been in a business that gives pleasure, creates beauty, and awakens our conscience, arouses compassion, and perhaps most importantly, gives millions a respite from our so violent world.
Thank you, Screen Actors Guild and friends, for this huge honor – and for giving me this unique opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and love to all those who have given me a career that has brought me nothing but happiness”.
Em Dezembro de 1992, a Screen Actors Guild decidira atribuir o prémio SAG Achievement Award a Audrey. Estas palavras de agradecimento representam o último comunicado público da actriz. Foram proferidas por Julia Roberts na cerimónia de 10 de Janeiro de 1993. Audrey não assistiu à entrega, dada a sua doença. Viria a falecer 10 dias depois.
“I am proud to have been in a business that gives pleasure, creates beauty, and awakens our conscience, arouses compassion, and perhaps most importantly, gives millions a respite from our so violent world.
Thank you, Screen Actors Guild and friends, for this huge honor – and for giving me this unique opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and love to all those who have given me a career that has brought me nothing but happiness”.
Em Dezembro de 1992, a Screen Actors Guild decidira atribuir o prémio SAG Achievement Award a Audrey. Estas palavras de agradecimento representam o último comunicado público da actriz. Foram proferidas por Julia Roberts na cerimónia de 10 de Janeiro de 1993. Audrey não assistiu à entrega, dada a sua doença. Viria a falecer 10 dias depois.

“I am often asked what it was like to have a famous mother. I always answer that I really don’t know. I knew her first as my mother and then as my best friend. Only after that did I understand that she was an actress and, with time, that she was truly an exceptional actress. Only after she passed away did I realize to what an extent she had truly touched our world.”
Sean Hepburn Ferrer sobre a sua mãe

“After so many drive-in waitresses in movies - somebody who went to school, can spell and possibly play the piano. She's a whispy little thing, but you're really in the presence of somebody when you see that girl. Not since Garbo has there been anything like her, with the possible exception of Ingrid Bergman."
Billy Wilder sobre Audrey

Discurso de Audrey, Nações Unidas, Genebra 1989
Imagens: Audrey em 1961 (Breakfast at Tiffany's); Audrey em 1953 (Roman Holiday); Audrey em 1954 (Sabrina); imagem do filme "The Nun's Story" de 1959 em que Audrey desempenha o papel da freira Sister Luke, antecipando talvez o mais nobre papel da sua vida, o de Embaixadora da Unicef; Audrey em 1988, Etiópia
6 comentários:
Um belo post e uma boa homenagem às mães.
Grande homenagem -- e muito merecida.
Mãe de uma grande nossa amiga.
Parabéns para a filha.
J., por acaso, está a falar de mim? Imperdoável, ontem, ter-me esquecido desta minha "mãe".
Bela homenagem.
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