

domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Vamos até ao café

Um café antigo em Londres

Dia de ir até ao café, encontrar-me com amigos.

Aqui, no blogue, vamos ver quando apareceram os primeiros cafés em Londres:
«The first London coffeehouse opened in 1652. Though Charles II later tried to suppress them as "places where the disaffected met, and spread scandalous reports concerning the conduct of His Majesty and his Ministers," the public flocked to them. By 1739 there were 551 coffeehouses in London, including meeting places for Tories and Whigs, people of fashion and haberdashers, wits and clergymen, merchants and lawyers, booksellers and authors, stockjobbers and artists, doctors and undertakers - and politicians of every kind. According to one French visitor, the Abbé Prévost, coffeehouses, "where you have the right to read all the papers for and against the government," were the "seats of English liberty."» (The Norton Anthology of English Literature:

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